
recent publications in reversed chronological order


  1. Fast Secure Computations on Shared Polynomials and Applications to Private Set Operations
    Pascal Giorgi, Fabien Laguillaumie, Lucas Ottow, and Damien Vergnaud
    In 5th Conference on Information-Theoretic Cryptography, ITC 2024, August 14-16, 2024, Stanford, CA, USA (Divesh Aggarwal, ed), Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. to appear, (2024).
    open access
  2. Algorithm 1052: Evaluating a Boolean Polynomial on All Possible Inputs
    Charles Bouillaguet
    ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 50, 4, pp. 28:1–28:37 (2024).
    open access doi
  3. Preliminary Cryptanalysis of the Biscuit Signature Scheme
    Charles Bouillaguet, and Julia Sauvage
    IACR Comm. in Cryptology. 1, 1, (2024).
    open access doi
  4. Towards the Impossibility of Quantum Public Key Encryption with Classical Keys from One-Way Functions
    Samuel Bouaziz-Ermann, Alex B. Grilo, Damien Vergnaud, and Quoc-Huy Vu
    IACR Comm. in Cryptology. 1, 1, (2024).
    open access doi
  5. Secure Multi-Party Linear Algebra with Perfect Correctness
    Jules Maire, and Damien Vergnaud
    IACR Comm. in Cryptology. 1, 1, (2024).
    open access doi
  6. Lattice attacks on pairing-based signatures
    Thierry Mefenza, and Damien Vergnaud
    Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect. 33, 2, pp. 138-157 (2024).
    open access doi


  1. Secure and Verified Cryptographic Implementations in the Random Probing Model.
    Abdul Rahman Taleb
    Thèse de doctorat. Sorbonne Université (2023).
    open access
  2. Mathematical studies of arithmetical pseudo-random numbers generators. (Étude de générateurs pseudo aléatoires en cryptographie mathématique)
    Florette Martinez
    Thèse de doctorat. Sorbonne Université (2023).
    open access
  3. Fault Attacks Sensitivity of Public Parameters in the Dilithium Verification
    Andersson Calle Viera, Alexandre Berzati, and Karine Heydemann
    In Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications - 22nd International Conference, CARDIS 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 14-16, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Shivam Bhasin, and Thomas Roche, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14530, pp. 62–83 (2023).
    open access doi
  4. We are on the Same Side. Alternative Sieving Strategies for the Number Field Sieve
    Charles Bouillaguet, Ambroise Fleury, Pierre-Alain Fouque, and Paul Kirchner
    In Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2023 - 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Guangzhou, China, December 4-8, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV (Jian Guo, and Ron Steinfeld, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14441, pp. 138–166 (2023).
    open access doi
  5. Cryptanalysis of an Outsourced Modular Inversion Protocol
    Charles Bouillaguet
    Math. Cryptol. 3, 1, pp. 29–43 (2023).
    open access doi
  6. Exploiting Intermediate Value Leakage in Dilithium: A Template-Based Approach
    Alexandre Berzati, Andersson Calle Viera, Maya Chartouny, Steven Madec, Damien Vergnaud, and David Vigilant
    IACR Trans. Cryptogr. Hardw. Embed. Syst. 2023, 4, pp. 188–210 (2023).
    open access doi
  7. Cryptanalysis of a Generalized Subset-Sum Pseudorandom Generator
    Charles Bouillaguet, Florette Martinez, and Damien Vergnaud
    In 48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2023, August 28 to September 1, 2023, Bordeaux, France (Jérôme Leroux, Sylvain Lombardy, and David Peleg, eds), Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, LIPIcs, vol. 272, pp. 23:1–23:15 (2023).
    open access doi
  8. Reciprocal space temperature-dependent phonons method from ab-initio dynamics
    Ibrahim Buba Garba, Tommaso Morresi, Charles Bouillaguet, Michele Casula, and Lorenzo Paulatto
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 35, 39, pp. 395402 (2023).
    open access doi
  9. VerifMSI: Practical Verification of Hardware and Software Masking Schemes Implementations
    Quentin L. Meunier, and Abdul Rahman Taleb
    In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2023, Rome, Italy, July 10-12, 2023 (Sabrina De Capitani Vimercati, and Pierangela Samarati, eds), SCITEPRESS, pp. 520–527 (2023).
    open access doi
  10. Unifying Freedom and Separation for Tight Probing-Secure Composition
    Sonia Belaı̈d, Gaëtan Cassiers, Matthieu Rivain, and Abdul Rahman Taleb
    In Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2023 - 43rd Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2023, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 20-24, 2023, Proceedings, Part III (Helena Handschuh, and Anna Lysyanskaya, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14083, pp. 440–472 (2023).
    open access doi
  11. Quantum security of subset cover problems
    Samuel Bouaziz-Ermann, Alex B. Grilo, and Damien Vergnaud
    In 4th Conference on Information-Theoretic Cryptography, ITC 2023, June 6-8, 2023, Aarhus, Denmark (Kai-Min Chung, ed), Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), vol. 267, pp. 9:1–9:17 (2023).
    open access doi
  12. Commitments with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Subset Sum Problems
    Jules Maire, and Damien Vergnaud
    In Computer Security - ESORICS 2023 - 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 25-29, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Gene Tsudik, Mauro Conti, Kaitai Liang, and Georgios Smaragdakis, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14344, pp. 189–208 (2023).
    open access doi
  13. Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments and Digital Signatures via Sharing Conversion in the Head
    Jules Maire, and Damien Vergnaud
    In Computer Security - ESORICS 2023 - 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, The Hague, The Netherlands, September 25-29, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Gene Tsudik, Mauro Conti, Kaitai Liang, and Georgios Smaragdakis, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14344, pp. 435–454 (2023).
    open access doi


  1. Les attaques cryptographiques sont-elles toujours meilleures que la force brute ?
    Charles Bouillaguet
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Sorbonne Université (2022).
    open access
  2. Zero-Knowledge Protocols for the Subset Sum Problem from MPC-in-the-Head with Rejection
    Thibauld Feneuil, Jules Maire, Matthieu Rivain, and Damien Vergnaud
    In Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2022 - 28th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Taipei, Taiwan, December 5-9, 2022, Proceedings (Shweta Agrawal, and Dongdai Lin, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13792, pp. 371–402 (2022).
    open access doi
  3. On Polynomial Modular Number Systems over Z/pZ
    Jean-Claude Bajard, Jérémy Marrez, Thomas Plantard, and Pascal Véron
    Adv. in Math. of Comm. to appear, (2022).
    open access doi
  4. Practical Seed-Recovery of Fast Cryptographic Pseudo-Random Number Generators
    Florette Martinez
    In Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 20th International Conference, ACNS 2022, Rome, Italy, June 20-23, 2022, Proceedings (Giuseppe Ateniese, and Daniele Venturi, eds), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13269, pp. 212–229 (2022).
    open access doi
  5. Secure storage - Confidentiality and Authentication
    Ryad Benadjila, Louiza Khati, and Damien Vergnaud
    Comput. Sci. Rev. 44, pp. 100465 (2022).
    open access doi
  6. IronMask: Versatile Verification of Masking Security
    Sonia Belaı̈d, Darius Mercadier, Matthieu Rivain, and Abdul Rahman Taleb
    In 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-26, 2022 IEEE, pp. 142–160 (2022).
    open access doi
  7. Attacks on Pseudo Random Number Generators Hiding a Linear Structure
    Florette Martinez
    In Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2022 - Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference 2022, Virtual Event, March 1-2, 2022, Proceedings (Steven D. Galbraith, ed), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13161, pp. 145–168 (2022).
    open access doi
  8. Cryptanalysis of Modular Exponentiation Outsourcing Protocols
    Charles Bouillaguet, Florette Martinez, and Damien Vergnaud
    Comput. J. 65, 9, pp. 2299-2314 (2022).
    open access doi
  9. A Simple Deterministic Algorithm for Systems of Quadratic Polynomials over F2
    Charles Bouillaguet, Claire Delaplace, and Monika Trimoska
    In 5th SIAM symposium on simplicity in algorithms, SOSA 2022, co-located with SODA 2022, virtual, in January 10–11, 2022. Proceedings. pp. 285-296 (2022).
    open access doi